Tuesday, March 23, 2010

To Settle or Not to Settle!?

Ok so, I know a lot of you can probably relate to this in a lot of ways. Aren't some relationships like deal or no deal!? I mean let me explain, you pick through the boxes (different people) and then you finally get an offer. Then you have to decide deal or no deal. (To settle or not to settle). Excuse my weird thinking but I think I got a point here. I mean do you stop at that $100,000 which is good. (That rated 7 in looks wit a great personality) or do you say no deal and go for the $500,000 (The total package, brains and beauty and personality) I mean its possible to get and if you deserve it, why not take your chances!? Decisions Decisions! I mean nobody is perfect but you know what you want.

Me personally, I'm a relationship type of guy even though I been single for almost 3 years now. 3 years!? Yup 3 years! And with a nickname like Ronnie Romance its seems a lil weird. But not to fear there is some explanation for it. When me and my X broke up in 07, I had to take time off to learn how to be alone, be single and love myself. That took me about a year and a half. Once I learned how to love myself and realized nobody can treat me better than I can treat myself I went into a phase of not needing a relationship. But then after going through the process I've learned that everybody needs someone and every great man has a great woman by his side. THAT'S WHERE THE PROBLEM IS!

Just like a lot of women say its hard to find a good man, well its just as hard for a good man to find a good woman. Anyone with standards will always have a harder time finding someone. I want to be in a relationship but have you ever been talking to someone and things are all good and next thing you know its STRIKE 1, STRIKE 2, STRIKE 3! THEY'RE OUT! Is it because I'm picky!? NOO! I don't ask for anything that I wouldn't give myself.

I don't feel like I should have to settle for less to have to settle down. If you don't set a baseline standard for what you'll accept in life, you'll find it's easy to slip into behaviors and attitudes or a quality of life that's far below what you deserve. I mean I'm not perfect but I do know my worth. I'm young, black, intelligent, have my degree, no kids, no baby mama drama, handsome, financially stable, loving, caring and understanding. I also love to shop! Lol. I mean it shouldn't be hard for me to find a good woman with these qualities right!? WRONG! Its hard out here for a pimp! *jk* lol. Let me just end by saying this, I know that what u want can make you cry and what you need may pass you by. But there has to be a baseline standard. Its not about settling down, its about settling for less. Once you lower your standards you will see your performance for yourself lower as well. But I'm still waiting for my GOOD DEAL! And actually I'm not waiting, I'm not scared to go after it when I see it. Life is to short not to have a Grandeur Romance.;-)

Yours Truly,


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Mike check

1, 2, 1, 2!
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Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Life after Graduation

Life after graduation was a lil less than I was expectin

But I count my blessings

Cuz I got a good job with Benefits in the heart of this recession

And I'm not at the crib broke being lazy and restin

Or up In the club repping a project section

I'm soon to be corporate attending the project sessions

Live.Life.Learn but you better remember the lesson

Like use your logic and not your emotions, leave it up to God and don't do too much stressin

Still my talents have yet to be challenged

Everyday I give my competition a moment of silence

I got the number one store in Philly so I'm killing the Market so in some ways I'm still resorting to violence

Forgive me for that, lol, I know I'm silly for that.

I'm the flyest never seen, so if I walk past you please pardon my wings.

My life is a crazy movie, who wants to be part of my scene?

I'm chasing my goals and this life after graduation is just a part of my dreams...

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Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My Birthday Letter to Grandpa


I decided to write you a note because a card just cannot say enough and the gift I gave you cannot fully show my appreciation. But what I can give you is all of me and that is a promise. As long as I am alive, you don't have to lift a finger if you don't want to. You are my main source of inspiration and Thank you for everything. I will always be here to take care of you and all your business. February 16th is your birthday but it is also important to me. If there was no you, there would be no me. If you weren't the man you are, I wouldn't be the man I am and will become. You saved my life and I am aware of that and I am happy to make you proud. Grandma has taught me how to be nurturing, caring and loving but you taught me how to be a REAL MAN which this world lacks. For this I am eternally grateful. You have taught me about choices, you have taught me about life and you have shown me that if I work hard and do things the right way I can be successful. I promise you, I will be successful. There are two quotes that drive me...the first is.......

"The power of choice outweighs the impact of environment, financial situation and socioeconomic background. I am willing to make every necessary sacrifice to have the life I desire. I am blessed with the power of choice. "

And the second is.....

"The highest courage is to dare to be urself in the face of adversity. Choosing right over wrong, ethics over convenience, & truth over popularity...these are the choices that measure your life. Travel the path of integrity without looking back, for there is never a wrong time to do the right thing."

Thank you for showing me that these are true! I love you with all my heart, not just on this day, but everyday! HAPPY BIRTHDAY AND I WISH YOU MANY MORE.


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Saturday, December 6, 2008

What I learned in 08

. HINDSIGHT IS ALWAYS 20/20!!2. Sometimes the grass isn't always greener on the other side; what you want isn't always what you get.3. Love is one of those inexplainable forces; you cannot disguise love for long where it exists or stimulate it where it does NOT!!4. You must learn to ACCEPT the things that you cannot change; there is no point to get upset or stress out about things that are beyond your control.5. Believe none of what you hear and half of what you see.6. TRUE LOVE is being able to love someone UNCONDITIONALLY and being able to get through ANY and EVERYTHING, the good and the BAD!! You must take them as they are and fully accept them, FLAWS AND ALL!!7. Once again, (Ladies) TRUST your female intuition! Nine times out of ten, you are RIGHT!! 8. Love can find you in the most unexpected place at the MOST UNEXPECTED TIME!!9. Drowning yourself in alcohol only serves as a temporary relief to your problems! Don't try to change yourself for a relationship that is NOT meant to be!!10. Gossip ALWAYS causes unnecessary DRAMA!! "He Say/She Say" is for children; we are ADULTS, therefore we should GROW UP and act like it!11. There is NO POINT to feud with or have hatred in your heart for the "other woman/other man" because one: its STUPID and two: your anger should NOT be centered at each other because you are NOT the ROOT of the problem; your "lover" is indeed the ROOT, so be angry with him or her!12. Facebook is the devil in disguise!! 13. If you have something to say, then send a personal message; do not be a punk and write it in someone's HONESTY BOX!! (That is super WHACK!!)14. Trust is very easy to lose and so hard to gain!15. The sun WILL indeed shine again after the storm, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, etc. (You get the picture!)16. You must ALWAYS have a PLAN! Even a plan B!! And maybe even and plan C and D!!17. Loving someone and being IN LOVE with someone are two different things; do not confuse the two!18. We are well aware that by a certain age, we ALL have "baggage" but you should never bring "baggage" into a new relationship; you should cut off any old "ties" before bringing someone new in the picture because it can lead to many problems!19. If a man wants you, NOTHING can keep him away; if he doesn't want you, NOTHING can make him stay!!20. EVERYONE has some sort of insecurity! (Big or small)21. Sometimes its not about what you know but definitely about WHO you know!!22. You cannot change a man's behavior; change comes from within. The only person you can control in a relationship is YOU!!23. You should always know when to WALK AWAY!! There are only so many chances you can give someone and in the end, you'll find that it wasn't worth the time, energy or stress!! Don't stay because you think "it will get better"; you'll be mad at YOURSELF for staying when things are NOT better!24. You really learn something new about yourself on the daily basis; we are all very simple yet so complex in our own ways. 25. You will NOT please everyone!! And there is NO point in trying to!! 26. EVERYONE (even the sweetest person in the world) has a "selfish" side to their personality! 27. If GOD brings you to it, he will INDEED get you through it!!! EVERYTHING he puts us through is a test!! 28. And just like last year, EVERYTHING IN THIS LIFE REALLY DOES HAPPEN FOR A REASON!!!Life is full of many experiences and with EVERY experience, there is ALWAYS A LESSON LEARNED!! (Big or small)

Friday, December 5, 2008


Now i knew Kanye did a lot of sampling but I never realzed he did THAT MUCH sampling. Can Kanye really be the best producer with all the samples. I love Kanye and he is definetly top 5 on my list as rapper and as a producer but can he ever be the greatest of all time?? Also I knew I liked old school but I didn't know I liked it THAT MUCH! LOL...Kanye's sample game is crazy and he is in my eyes a musical genius to be able to pull of the songs that he does.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


This a poem i wrote a while ago about my life and some things that were happening in it. Its deep and kind of personal. It has to do alot about the loves ive seen, had and lost. Only a few people that I can count on one hand has ever seen or heard this poem, but i am completely comfortable with it now, so here it is, tell me what you think...

I used to love my mom but she was lovin the drugs
She aint show no love, left when I was 7 months
I used to love my dad but he loved doin robberies
He been locked up my whole life, he aint never get to ride with me
I love my brother but he hated bein bummy
Now he locked up again because of the love of the money
I love my sister but she was lovin the bitches
loved runnin around with the chickens that loved to hit her
I loved my girl, loved her with my whole heart
Where did things go wrong? now I love with no heart
I try to love with my mind but love is on my mind
Love can keep u smilin
and love can keep u cryin
Love can calm u down or love can have u wild'n
I used to love my life but life turned into a bitch
Every month it cramps up, it reminds me of a chick
I love my niggas but they love pullin triggers
Every week they call me talkin bout somethin different
When it comes to Ron, you love to talk shit about em
But I dont give a fuck at least you aint forget about em
I love my friends that were always by my side
Thats why its so hard for you to take them from my side
I love who I am cause I came a long way
But its easy to turn and start to go the wrong way
I love myself but I got a lot of problems
But what I love about me is that I'll always try to solve em
I loved so many things that didnt love me back
but love is too strong, I cant tell it not to come back
When it comes to love its better to have, had and lost
rather than not havin at all
I had love, it told me start fallin back
So Imma wait by the phone until love calls me back.


Sunday, November 30, 2008


Life is a theater, invite your audience carefully. Not everyone is supposed to be in your front row. There are some people in your life that need to be loved from a distance. Pay attention to the ones who lift and the ones who lean. Who is on a upward path and who is going downhill. Who always has drama or don't really understand, know and appreciate you and the gift that lies within you. The more u seek growth, piece of mind, love and truth around you, the easier you can decide who gets to sit in the front row and who should sit in the balcony. You cannot change the people around you but you can change who you are around. Choose wisely who you decide to sit in the front row of your life because they are the ones that could be close enough to stop the show. Who's in your front row?

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Does this Work

Just Checking if I can blog from my phone and if this works
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